lundi 30 novembre 2009

Christian Marclay Body Mix Record Cover Collages

Christian Marclay, artiste, DJ et compositeur new-yorkais, a réalisé une série de collages intitulée "Body Mix" avec des pochettes d'albums des Doors, de Michael Jackson, Donna Summer, David Bowie, Chick Corea, Eric Clapton,...

Christian Marclay is a New York based visual artist, DJ and composer whose innovative work explores the juxtaposition between sound recording, photography, video and film.

Christian Marclay "Body Mix" series (1991-92) are visually powerful album-cover collages of Michael Jackson, The Doors, Donna Summer, David Bowie, Eric Clapton,...

Via: Merci Georges

dimanche 29 novembre 2009

Pictures from Research - Beauty in Science

Photo: Jürgen Berger / Mahendra Sonawan

Très belle galerie de photographies scientifiques issues du concours photo de Focus Magazine et visibles sur Spiegel Online.


Photography from laboratory research around the world is celebrated in a contest that reveals that science can be beautiful.

Check out Focus magazine's "Pictures from Research" gallery at Spiegel Online.

Photo: Leif Dehmelt

Photo: Volker Brinkmann

Photo: Igor Siwanowicz

Photo: Dorothea Liebermann-Meffert

Photo: Martin Oeggerli

Photo: Martin Oeggerli

Liens, links:

samedi 28 novembre 2009

WW1 Images Archives Canada - Archives Premiere Guerre Mondiale Canada

Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
(BAC) vient de mettre en ligne sur Flickr de nombreuses photos de la Première Guerre Mondiale.

Library and Archives Canada (LAC) has posted a selection of digital images from the First World War on

The images depict the significant military efforts of Canadians during this conflict.

Liens, links:

Library and Archives Canada - Bibliothèque et Archives Canada @ Flickr

Via: BoingBoing

vendredi 27 novembre 2009

Brian Morris Skulls - Tetes de Mort

Brian Morris est un illustrateur basé à Chicago qui a une passion pour les têtes de mort.

Graphisme façon tatouage old school sur bustes en céramique, t-shirts, jouets, flyers...

Brian Morris is a Chicago based illustrator who loves skulls.

Brian Morris
draws and paints fantastic skulls on ceramic busts, tees, and vinyl toys.

Liens, links:

Brian Morris Drawings & Whatnot

Brian Morris new blog

Brian Morris blog

Brian Morris @ Rotofugi

Via: Yay!Everyday

jeudi 26 novembre 2009

Okko Bling Bling Market Cart - Chariot de Courses Bling Bling

Chariot de Courses Bling Bling créé par l'agence de publicité turque Çözüm d'Istanbul pour la boutique gourmet d'OKKO.

Directeur artistique: Gokhan Yucel

OKKO Gourmet Market Cart Bling Bling created by Turkish advertising agency Çözüm for OKKO gourmet supermarket in Istanbul.

Creative Director / Copywriter
: Gokhan Yucel

Liens, links:

Bling Bling Market Cart @ Gokhan Yucel Flickr

OKKO Gourmet Market Bling @ Ads of the World

Via: Weekly Teinou Bee Woman

mercredi 25 novembre 2009

Albert Exergian Minimalist TV Shows Posters

Très belle série de posters minimalistes de séries TV revisitées par le directeur artistique Albert Exergian.

Great series of minimalist posters on the theme of popular TV shows created by graphic designer/art director Albert Exergian.

Liens, links:

Albert Exergian

Albert Exergian Blog

Via: Fubiz

mardi 24 novembre 2009

Jonathan Puckey Delaunay Raster

Etonnantes créations numériques réalisées par le graphic designer hollandais Jonathan Puckey selon le principe de la Triangulation de Delaunay.

Amazing digital images created by Dutch graphic designer Jonathan Puckey in his latest project Delaunay Raster.

Image vectorization is based on Delaunay triangulation.

Liens, links:

Jonathan Puckey

Jonathan Puckey Delaunay Raster

Conditional Design

Via: TrendsNow

lundi 23 novembre 2009

National Geographic International Photography Contest 2009

Photo: Gail von Bergen Ryan

Le Concours International de Photographie du National Geographic attire chaque année des milliers de photographes de tous niveaux à travers le monde.

Bien que les participations au concours 2009 soient terminées et que le vote final n'ait pas encore eu lieu, National Geographic a permis au site du Boston Globe, dans sa rubrique The Big Picture, de publier 25 photos parmi les finalistes des catégories Personnages, Endroits et Nature.

Allez découvrir de très belles photos!

National Geographic's International Photography Contest attracts thousands of entries from photographers of all skill levels around the world every year.

While this year's entry deadline has passed, there is still time to view and vote for your favorites in the Viewer's Choice competition.

National Geographic let the Boston Globe choose a few of their entries from 2009 for display on The Big Picture.

Photo: Cesare Naldi

Photo: Peter Allinson

Photo: Stephen Martin

Photo: Robin Moore

Photo: Brendyn Zachary

Photo: Aaron Feinberg

Photo: Richard Susanto

Photo: Richard Rush

Liens, links:

National Geographic International Photography Contest 2009

Via: The Big Picture @ Boston Globe