mercredi 23 mai 2007

Branislav Kropilak Photography: Landings, Garages

Branislav Kropilak est un photographe slovaque basé à Barcelone, diplomé de la Private Academy of Fine Arts de Bratislava, puis de l'Institute of Digital Photography de Prague.

Il a travaillé près de huit ans comme art director et photographe pour des agences telles que BBDO, McCann-Erickson et Saatchi & Saatchi...

Ne manquez pas d'aller visiter son portfolio et en particulier ses séries "Landings" (atterrissages) et "Garages" (Parkings souterrains)...

Currently based in Barcelona, Branislav Kropilak, a photographer from Slovakia, graduated at the renowned Private Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava and studied at the Institute of Digital Photography in Prague.

He worked nearly 8 years as both art director and photographer for top creative agencies such as BBDO, McCann-Erickson and Saatchi & Saatchi just to name a few.

Don't miss to visit his portfolio, with his works "Landings" and "Garages"...



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