vendredi 12 septembre 2008

Anachrotechnofetishism: Steampunk Artifacts Exhibition

Anachrotechnofetishism est une exposition consacrée à 13 artistes Steampunk américains qui s'ouvre aujourd'hui à la Galerie Suite 100 à Seattle.

Anachrotechnofetishism, a new gallery show of 13 steampunk artists, opens tonight in Seattle at the Suite 100 Gallery:

"Steampunk Stratocaster" - Jake Von Slatt

"The Archbishop Keyboard" - Datamancer

"S.P.A.M. gun" - Molly "Porkshanks" Friedrich

"Mechanical Womb with Clockwork Fetus" - Molly Friedrich

"Vacuum Traffic Controller" - Eliza Gauger

"The Aether Spirit Containment Apparatus" - Quentin Ziplash

Liens, links:

Anachrotechnofetishism @ Suite 100 Gallery

Via: The Steampunk Workshop

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