vendredi 18 septembre 2009

Noma Bar Negative Space Illustrations

Graphiste et illustrateur d'origine israélienne, Noma Bar a étudié à la Jerusalem Academy of Art & Design et est basé à Londres depuis 2001.

Il travaille principalement pour le monde des médias et de l'information : BBC, The New York Times, The Economist, Esquire,...

Dans son dernier livre intitulé "Negative Space", au travers d'illustrations minimalistes et à double-sens, Noma Bar aborde des sujets d'actualité comme la guerre, la religion et la politique.

Born in Israel in 1973, Noma Bar studied graphic design and typography at the Jerusalem Academy of Art & Design. He has been based in London since 2001.

In 2003, Noma Bar received his first national magazine commission from Time Out London, and since then he has worked for an array of media clients, including the BBC, Random House, The Observer, The Economist and Wallpaper.

Liens, links:

Noma Bar Negative Space @ Mark Batty Publisher

Noma Bar Facebook

Via: Graphik Addict

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